
Lost or Free?

I had a dream las night about a princess looking at her castle.. I wasn't sure if she was lost or if she just ran out of home because she was looking for freedom.
Lost or Free?
Media: Watercolor
I though that I could share this with you, I was really inspired this morning.

xo Ella


  1. Many years back, there's a lecturer who described how our dreams can be interpreted into our lives. Which I totally think it was so true. I had a dream about seeing 2 aquariums in front of me and I don't know which to chose. He interpreted it as it was tough choices that I needed to make myself. Which fish would I chose? It was so true as at that point of time, I was so unhappy in my relationship and I chose to break free! It was the best time of my life after that! =)
    Are you choosing to break free from something in life? Maybe that's the reason why the princess (which might be you) is looking for freedom? =)
    *If you like Peter Pan Collar, you definitely should participate in my giveaway! =) Hope you had and take care =)

  2. Ella, I love this xxx such prettiness <3
